Most of the time, I used to enjoy the rain, but now it's such a sad time; the rain seems like tears.

1 million Bānglādeshi women were raped and many of them murdered by West-Pākisŧānī soldiers prior and during 1971 war! Their sacrifices just went in thin air on 5th of August 2024. Jihāđi/s and Jamati/s of South-Asia are celebrating their win in Bānglādesh. Hinđus, their livelihood and their temples are again being targeted.

History (stained by bloods of poor Hinđus) repeats again and again because of failures (or designs!) of some key officials of so called 'deep state'. US has denied any role in this mess! But every time they act in South Asia, they just give fresh ammunition to Jihāđi/s and Jamati/s. US has given free F-16s to Jihāđi Pākisŧānī/s and maintains those F-16s free of charge! Weapons left by them in Afgānisŧān are now being used against India.

@%@#$&%^ Soros et-al. @%@#$&%^ jihāđist sympathiers including so called secular-polititians (pseudos), librus, fake-environmentalists, ugly-artists, white-collar crusaders, spineless-n-selfish people trying to earn blood soaked money or looking for entry in their fake heavens.

Self proclaimed liberals are once again working closely with Maoists, Jihāđi/s and Crusaders to humiliate India. Pseudo-secular Muhammad Yunus is now their poster boy.

Events in Recent Past Against Free Societies and True Democracies...

Oh God!

Root cause(s) of many of the problems in the world are because lots of people think:
My God is the greatest.
- OR -
My religion is better than other religions.
- OR -
My 'Ideology' is better than other ideologies.

Hardliners and extremists believe that individuals from their tribe are humans, while viewing others as expendable beings to be exploited.

This kind of thinking causes fights and divides people.

In the minds of hardliners and extremists, this mentality leads to the belief that:
People who don't follow or share the ideology or religion I believe in should be crushed or eliminated.

Why do you need to know what is written here?

Why does one person harm another simply because they do not share the same religious beliefs? Why must a genuine way of life (religion) become entangled with a troubled history or the directives of a single individual?

Why lots of media houses (eg. bBC, waPo, nyT, cnN, TGardian, aLjazira, f24, npR...) have always under-reported crimes and agression against Hinđū/s? The answer is simple: their reporters, editors, and promoters are compromised (honey or money) individuals who aim for 'Abrahamic superiority' and they see Hinđūism as the biggest hurdle. These ugly individuals, brotherhoods, and organisations exaggerate any crime committed by Hinđū/s, blowing those crimes out of proportion.

Do you know that a tall figure like Mohanđās Gānđhī supported the Ḳhilāfaŧ (Caliphate) movement?

In order to get the respect and appreciation of Muslims, Gānđhī used to preach non-violence to every other community. He wanted to become an icon of non-violence, and in that pursuit he surrendered to the most violent ideology and hardcore Islāmists! He did that and everything else to become a leader. He wasn't what he posed as. Find about controversies surrounding him yourself.

Gānđhī and Neh(a)ru supported the Ḳhilāfaŧ Movement. The movement was more about Islām than about India. Their support also emboldened hard-core Islamists in South Asia and ignored the concerns of people from other communities. This later led to the religious persecution of non-Muslims in Pakistan and Bangladesh.

Gānđhī chose Neh(a)ru as the first PM of India against the wishes of other leaders of India. They both were not simple persons; they liked each other. Out of the 15 regional committees who voted between Nehru and Vallabh-bhāi Patel for the PM post, 12 voted in favour of Vallabh-bhāi, while the remaining three didn’t select anyone. Why were most of the committees against Nehru? Nehru's family went on to become the most powerful family in India. So sad.

Please continue reading this page; it is not only about India and not against any religion.

Major Divisions in the World

Let's start with the major division of people based on their religions. Have you ever heard of 'Dar al harb' vs. 'Dar al Islam'?

1. Muslims (they call themselves 'Believers'):

  • Fiđāīn/s, Fiđā'Īn/s, Fedayeens (who sacrifice themselves for Islamic campaigns, who are promised to get 72 hoors in heaven!),
  • Jihāđī/s (who indulge in terror activities particularly aimed at Non-Muslims),
  • Hardcore Islāmists (who finance and/or support terror activities, who rejoice in the sufferings of Kāfir/s),
  • Regular Muslims (who try to disguise acts of Jihāđī/s and hardcore Islāmists and plead for their human rights!),
  • Muslims who are afraid of their own religion, they think of themselves as moderates (who do not speak against Jihāđī/s and hardcore Islāmists),
  • Good Muslims * (who oppose Jihāđī/s and hardcore Islamists; other Muslims do not consider them as true Muslims!);

2. Non-Muslims (Muslims call non-Muslims Kāfir/s, which means 'who hide/s the truth')

  • Communists/Leftists:
    • CCP/Māoists (Anti-whatnot),
    • Other violent Leftists,
    • Librus (who play their cards for easy bucks),
    • True non-violent Leftists (who believe in real socialism!) *;
  • Believers of other (non Muslim) Abrahamic Religions:
    • Catholic Crusaders/Missionaries (direct/indirect),
    • Protestant Crusaders/Missionaries (direct/indirect),
    • Other Christian Missionaries,
    • Israelis (who actively defend themselves) *,
    • Common followers of Abrahamic Religions *,
    • Caring followers of Abrahamic Religions *,
    • Others *;
  • Followers of Đhārmik Religions:
    • Hinđū/s:
      • Selfish/coward Hinđū/s ('Agents of Believers', Jayachanđ/s), (Some of them have the word 'Hinđū', Rām, ... in their names!)
      • Upwardly mobile Hinđū/s (who don't care for others),
      • Common Hinđū/s * (who don't really understand the world!),
      • Caring Hinđū/s * (who care for everyone around them),
      • True Hinđū/s * (who oppose 'Agents of Believers');
    • Sikh/s:
      • Khālisŧānī/s (Agents of Believers),
      • Upwardly mobile Sikh/s (who don't care for others),
      • Common Sikh/s * (who don't really understand the world!),
      • Caring Sikh/s * (who care for everyone around them),
      • True Sikh/s * (who oppose Khālisŧānī/s as well as 'Agents of Believers');
    • Followers of Other Đhārmik religions:
      • Manipulators ('Agents of Believers'),
      • Shrewd upwardly mobile people (who don't care for others),
      • Common follower/s * (who don't really understand the world!),
      • Caring follower/s * (who care for everyone around them),
      • True follower/s * (who oppose 'Agents of Believers');
  • Followers of other religions:
    • Manipulators ('Agents of Believers'),
    • Shrewd upwardly mobile people (who don't care for others),
    • Common follower/s * (who don't really understand the world!),
    • Caring follower/s * (who care for everyone around them),
    • True follower/s * (who oppose 'Agents of Believers');
  • True Atheists (Non Leftists) *;
  • Others! *.

If you belong to the category marked with '*', please always take a note of any religious activity (Jihāđ/Crusade) in your area, the world is full of people with agendas.

Those who strongly subscribe to a religious belief, consider people having other religious ideology as inferior beings.

What Secular Governments Should Do

Before :

  • choosing a person to represent the country in any manner,
  • letting a person participate in any democratic process,
  • inducting a person into a government job,
  • allowing a person to practice in a court of law,
  • providing benefit of any scheme to a person,
  • providing security, shelter or even food to a person (above the age of 16),

that person should be asked to take an oath that she or he considers the constitution of the country above his/her religious book/s or ideology.

S/he also should be asked to take an oath that s/he will not support a person, institution, etc. that considers his/her religious book/s above the constitution of the country.

A lot of leftists, traitors, crusaders, jihāđīs, communists and Māoists are getting all the benefits of free society funded by secular people.

When a bunch of Jihāđīs want to run their (!) country according to 'shariā', no secular country (or non-believers) should fund their food. Let Muslim countries or rich Muslim believers provide for them instead of funding troublemakers in secular countries.

Middle-class Indians who buy petroleum products at inflated prices, indirectly are forced to fund 50000 tonnes of wheat for gun-wielding Sunni terrorists. These terrorists want their people to grow poppies, not wheat. Motivated Indian politicians and bureaucrats are taxing ordinary Indians to feed terrorists! Why those petroleum producing Sunni nations don't buy wheat for their brother Afghāns?

Terror regimes from North Koriā (Korea), Rashiā (Russia), Chāinā (China), Pākisŧān, Irān, Kaŧar (Qatar) to Tarkee (Turkey)! A BIG BELT! Too many for secular and truly democratic countries (like India) to tackle.

Jihāđī/s, Crusaders, Colonizers, Missionaries were/are our Enemies

Centuries ago almost all the South Asia was following Đhārmik Religions particularly Sanāŧan Đhārma (Hinđūism). Now South Asia is the last/active battle ground for Jihāđ and Crusade.

Why India cannot remain a weak country, that is what BBC, NYT, WP, CNN and other libru media propagate? They have never spoken against the genocide of Hinđū/s from Muslim dominated areas of South Asia. There are some Indian TV Channels which mostly have Anti-Hinđū agendas. Do not subscribe to them.

Hinđū/s are being persecuted by Islāmists/jihāđīs for more than a thousand years; like Jews were persecuted by Nazis (mainly Christians). Why rich gulf countries like Saudi Arabiā, Qaŧar and United Arab Emirates do not speak vociferously against India every now and then like libru media? These countries are run by those who do not want to project their countries as Jihāđī lands. Some of them quietly finance Jihāđī/s as part of their religious duties! Poor Muslim countries particularly Pākisŧān and Turkey act/speak against India openly.

Because most of the Indians are Hinđū/s, that's why Islāmists and Christian missionaries also tend to work against the interests of India. We should be vary of jihāđī minded Emirs (Ameer/s) and Sheikhs of middle-eastern countries. These people should be reported to UNOCT and tried in International courts by countries like India. They have cheap money earned by selling crude oil or refined petroleum products. This money is used to finance all kinds of anti-Hinđū projects. Many lobbies around the world (including in India) get these fundings. This is one reason why we should buy electric vehicles.

The caste system and financial desperation in the Hinđū society is exploited by missionaries for conversions from Hinđūism to Christianity. These converts are adviced to not change their Hinđū names to reap benefits meant for poor Hinđū/s given by governments and rich Hinđū/s. These missionaries act very shrewdly and secretly that is why they can be considered enemy #1 of ‘Hinđū society’. Irony is that forefathers of most of these missionaries were Hinđū/s.

In later part of this page you will find information on Ghazwā-e-Hinđ.

Anti-Free-Will Lobby is India's Enemy #1

Anti-Free-Will Lobby can be called the Dark-Lobby

If you are a true nationalist who really care for a common Indian (mainly a poor Hinđū), you may be sidelined from business circles and avoided by upwardly mobile society! There was a time when this lobby used to corner nationalists completely. Times are changing but every nationalist should remain alert. Don't let lobbyists (Agents of Believers) increase their satanic powers. We really don't know how deep the rot is! Industrialists, politicians, bureaucrats, businessmen, executives, professionals, government employees, social-workers, greedy-farmers and even ordinary villagers may turn against you if you display free will. But beware of having persecutory delusions! So look for the hard evidences vis-a-vis illusions.

This 'anti-free-will lobby' wants to crush voices of the people with free-will who follow either 'Natural Religion', modern Hinđūism, Deism or Polytheism. This dark lobby is mainly backed by 'Agents of Believers' and authoritarian regimes.

We should not believe in dictates, miracles and revelations of pundiŧ/s, sāđhū/s, muni/s, guru/s, sant/s, prophets, priests, fathers, bishops, popes, saints, maulānā/s, mullāh/s, shekh/s, amīr/s, maulawi/s, mufti/s, khalifā/s, paigambar/s, āyātollāh/s, comrades and their chairman/s, if we want to enjoy true freedom.

Modern progressive Hinđūism do not follow any one person (dead or alive) or any one book blindly. Those who have sold their conscience to enemies of humanity are also enemies of the modern Hinđūism. Almost all the enemies of humanity blindly follow one of the so called holy books and/or a person who claimed to be apostle of truth! Such people who rigidly follow a book or a person call themselves 'believers' and others with free-will as non-believers! So 'believers' and 'agents of believers' are the enemies of humanity and free-will.

Free Will is our capacity to choose. Simply it means we are not controlled by any person, group, ideology, teachings of any book, words of any [religious] leader. It shows we have [pure] souls and we are [morally] responsible for our good and bad deeds.

There are compromised people (lairs) acting as 'fact checkers', 'moderators' and 'editors' for IT giants and non-profit organisations! There are manipulators calling themselves as journalists and activist. Beware of such compromised individuals and their ugly agendas. They have largely replaced print media.

If crusaders, jihāđīs and other anti-nationals (like Maoists) are in command in some social media platforms (like tweeter), we should leave such facilities. a) It will help us find our peace of mind. b) These anti-nationals won't be able to waste our time. c) They will be condemned to the company of each other!

Most of the industrialists, bureaucrats, big businessmen, professionals, social-workers, contractors, have nothing to do with the interest of the nation. They pay to whichever party is in power to get preferential treatments/postings. Some of the industrialists like Ađāni were given huge loans to expand their businesses. There are friends of such industrialists in NCP, Congress, BJP, ...

Most of the political parties in India are family owned enterprises. These are like greedy farmer unions. These parties act in their family interests. Exceptions are the BJP and the communist parties. BJP sometimes acts in national interest while communist parties care for Chinese interests. There are some corrupt politicians in every political party. Some parties are totally corrupt!

Christian (Churchian) Missionaries are India's Enemy #2

The Portuguese, English, Dutch, French, and other Europeans started their relations with India as trading entities but all of them started manipulating various states and societies against each other. These invaders not only looted India, but also converted lots of Hinđū/s to their faith. [See Ref 1 and 4]

Mercenaries in the garb of missionaries! They know their religion is no better than Hinđūism but continue their agendas 'cause of cheap money they receive from foreign donations.

Swami Vivekananda had said, "Every man going out of the Hindu pale (fold) is not only a man less, but an enemy more."

These mercenaries propagated Christianity particularly in most of the tribal and backward areas with the support of the various European organisations/governments/individuals. The Christian majority Mizo (a collection of converted tribals in one of the north-eastern state of India) population started persecuting and driving the Hinđū Brus and Buađđhist Chakmas, both minorities in the state, out of Mizoram. In 2020, India started settling persecuted Brus (and Chakmas) in the neighbouring state of Tripura to address the issue.

The missionaries have turned simple minded tribals into Hinđū baiters. Most of the converted Christians keep their Hinđū names and claim benefits meant for (poor) Hinđū/s.

Islāmists/Jihāđīs are India's Enemy #3

The Islāmists started looting India and trying to convert Indians (mainly Hinđū/s) as part of their religious duty!

Dr. B.R. Ambedkar (Āmbedakar) said “the allegiance of a Muslim does not rest on his domicile in the country which is his but on the faith to which he belongs. ... In other words, Islam can never allow a true Muslim to adopt India as his motherland and regard a Hindu [non-believer] as his kith and kin.”

They chant: तेरा मेरा रिश्ता क्या? ला इलाह इल्-लल्लाह।
[What is our relation, Lā Ilāh Il-lallāh.]

Dr. B.R. Āmbedakar also wrote “The Hindus have their social evils. But there is this relieving feature about them—namely, that some of them are conscious of their existence and a few of them are actively agitating for their removal. The Muslims, on the other hand, do not realize that they are evils and consequently do not agitate for their removal. Indeed, they oppose any change in their existing practices.”

He was partially wrong, some of the Muslims do realize the need for reforms in their society, but they can't afford to sacrifice their lives in doing that.

Mohanđās Gānđhī said “My own experience but confirms the opinion that the Musalman (Muslim) as a rule is a bully, and the Hindu as rule is a coward”. To become a leader of everybody he never spoke against violence of Islāmists against Hinđū/s. Gānđhī even supported Ḳhilāfaŧ (Caliphate) movement! Librus around the world don't want you to know that! Gānđhī in his last days might have understood mistakes he made by agreeing to various demands of Neh(a)ru and Jinnā! Had Gānđhī was not assassinated, he might have spoken against Nehru.

Dr. Āmbedkar used to criticise Mohanđās Gānđhī for appeasing Muslims and for never speaking about persecution of Hinđū/s. He once wrote "It would be fatal for the Scheduled Castes, whether in Pākisŧān or in Hyderabad, to put their faith in the Muslims...". Dr. Āmbedkar refused to embrace Islām. Later Āmbedkar embraced Buđđhism partly because was sidelined by Nehru and he wanted to become the undisputed leader/icon of SCs of Mahārāshtra (then Central Province and Berar). Āmbedkar never would have thought that lots of his followers would take Muslims' side over Hinđus'! See how powerful the dark-lobby is - it can turn a pro-Hinđū to an anti-Hinđū leader!

Most of the Indian politicians praise both Dr. Āmbedkar and Mohanđās Gānđhī as they can't speak their mind!

A Bānglā-speaking illegal immigrant from Bānglādesh or Myānmār (called Rohingyās) is welcome in large parts of Bangāl but a non-Bānglā speaking Indian is considered outsider by the ruling elites and Islāmists.

Chinese Communist Party is India's Enemy #4

Pākisŧān and Chāinā are rogue states. Pākisŧān is controlled by a jihāđī army. Chāinā is controlled by a ruthless party. Donald Trump was the first leader who called their bluff openly without caring for his opponents. Don't get me wrong, I don't speak for people like Donald Trump, but he was right about these two rogue states. Now Biden is also acting against Chāinā. But whether he will truely help India against these two rogue states. Generally we should not believe in a typical soft-spoken leader, s/he will compromise our safety and security for few votes/money. Every right minded Indian should never support those leaders (even if they are their 'own') who may compromise India's interests vis-à-vis Pākisŧān and Chāinā.

Communists even in India work against every interest of India because of the support of the Islāmists and leftists around the globe and the funding they receive from them and the CCP (Chinese Communist Party)! Most of the communist comrades in India (and Nepāl) were raised in liberal Hinđū families, but they support Islāmists and Jihāđis! Đagābāz, cowards. They do this as their 'boss' CCP wants to show to the world that communists sympathizes with the 'cause' of Islāmists! CCP support designated terrorists only to suppress Uyghurs! The whole of Chāinā is being taken to a wrong path by its dictator Xi Jinping because of his party's disdain for resurgent India, BJP and what-not. Our PM was wrong when he acted as a friendly host to the Xi. Probably CCP has plans ready for the whole world for coming 50 years in advance! In-fact we should be thankful to Xi as he started asserting his power globally a bit early, other wise it would have been too late. The world now can see CCP's plan for the world. Shrewd and selfish intellectuals do not wish to acknowledge that for various reasons!

Cowards always speak and work against Hinđūism because of three main reasons:

  1. It is easy and safe to criticize upright Hinđūism (it should remain that way),
  2. They are jealous of a handful of rich Hinđūs and so called upper caste communities, and their attitude towards others, and
  3. They are groomed, brainwashed, pampered, praised, bought, honey trapped, etc. to become anti-Hinđū activists.

Most of the comrades as well as most of the rich pseudo-seculars belong to the affluent classes. They just pretend to speak for common men, but their definition of common men excludes common (read poor) Hinđū/s. Their politburos in India do not used to have representations of backward Hinđū classes till recently. They like other anti-nationals try to exploit every division in Hinđū society.

The majority of people in communist countries (mainly Chāinā and North Korea) are deprived of their civil rights. Some socialism! Hān Chinese are happy collecting whatever CCP provide them by snatching from other communities, regions.

Hinđū/s and India

The majority of the Indians are Hinđū/s. Most of the Hinđū/s are peace-loving because of the teachings of Ahinsā (अहिंसा; i.e. nonviolence) and lots of them have never tried to be physically strong! That is one of the reasons why invaders ruled India for centuries. First came the Muslims and then the Christians and then the local pseudo-secularists. These pseudos are trying to rule India by any means. The main weapon of pseudos (librus) is a consolidated vote bank of abhađraloks and anti-Hinđū minorities.

Hinđū/s don't make life of any body difficult just because s/he belongs to a religion or a race. India is the country with followers of highest number of religions/sects. Hinđū/s living in the cities and villages have respected cultures and gods of the aboriginals living in the tribal areas. While Christians missionaries go to tribal areas to convert aboriginals. India has special quotas based on backwardness of castes, minority status. So nobody belonging to Christianity or Islam has any right to teach Hinđū/s any lesson on social harmony.

Dr. Āmbedkar used to feel bad because of the caste system in the Hinđū society when he was a child. But his education (in India as well as in Britain) was funded by Hinđū/s of other castes. He was proposed and appointed as chairman of Indian Constitution Drafting Committee by Hinđū/s belonging to other castes. His last wife was an upper-caste Hinđū. Still later in life, he criticised all the icons (gods, godesses, avatars) of Hinđūism. Most ordinary Hinđū/s do not even know what he wrote about their icons. Educated Hinđū/s do not care about what he has written, as most of them are tolerant and forward looking.

Most properly educated and intelligent Hinđū/s like cows. They consider cows to be a part of their family and somewhat like mother as cows provide milk. A lot of people hate those who eat dogs and scoff at Hinđū/s for loving cows. One should not eat creatures which are like his/her pet (friend) also one should avoid eating those creatures that provide milk.

Curd, Yogurt and Kefir are better than milk for most of the grown-ups as well as kids. Some kids have intolerance to casein which is the main ingredient of milk. Vegetarians need some nutritional supplements.

People with mental health issues regularly need health supplements, psycho-biotics.

Hinđū/s should not eat non-veg marked Halāl. Halāl non-veg indicates cruelty to animals.

Every Hinđū who has anything to do with politics and/or religion should read a translation of the Qur'ān (Kur'ān) and parts of the Bible (mainly of Old Testāment). If you don't know what is written in those books how could you understand what is/was happening to Hinđū/s mainly in Islāmic countries. Do not listen to an advice of those who have never read parts of these books relevant to Hinđū/s (referred as non-believers). Saŧyārŧha-prakāsh (सत्यार्थ प्रकाश) is not a great book, but reading it may give your thoughts a new dimension. India is a place where lots of the religions originated and most survived. It is a very crowded, polluted but a truly free country. Though there are instances of religious violence but generally it is a peaceful country. Oh yes, there are a lot of ugly and selfish librus (comrades) in India as well.

We also need to support BJP and PM Narendra Mođi even if we don't agree with them on lots of issues. BJP tries to keep our armed forces modernised. The shrewd pseudo-intellectuals cry loud whenever BJP supporters or simple right-minded Hinđū/s make any mistake. These cowards always look away when some BJP supporter or a Hinđū is killed mercilessly by either pseudo-secular political-goons, leftists (maoists, ...), or Islāmists. They have never spoken even when millions of Hinđū/s suffered and persecuted by Islāmists and Jihāđis in the past decades. Even in Hinđū dominated areas they promote what is now called as 'Love-Jihāđ'. These cowards keep exploiting greedy politicians and officers for their causes.

Help Poor Hinđū/s Selectively

Muslims, Buađđhists, Sikhs and Christians are in the minority in many states. The forefathers of these minorities were mainly Hinđū/s or native Indians (Āđivāsī). Those who embraced other religions got benefits from invaders, missionaries, anti-Hinđū religious bodies, rulers, etc. These converts also started claiming better social status!

So the Hinđū scheduled tribes (STs), scheduled castes (SCs) and 'other backward classes' (OBCs), who kept on following Hinđūism against all odds should now be given most of the benefits from the state and wealthy Hinđū/s. These weaker sections of the Hinđū society are sometimes targeted by those who got converted. These converts sometimes befriend upper Hinđū castes!

Every wealthy Hinđū should try to support poor Hinđū/s by helping them in finding jobs etc.; though it is very difficult. Every Hinđū should treat every other Hinđū equally. Upper caste Hinđū/s are ok with minorities, but look down upon other Hinđū/s based on their caste. Donations in some rich Hinđū temples (Ŧirupaŧi, etc.) go also to those who harm Hinđūism!

Those who try to push one section (caste) of Hinđū/s against other sections are anti-nationals. There are ugly Hinđū/s who discriminate against other Hinđū/s based on language, race, riches, even eating habits, etc.

Poor Indians don't get proper treatment in government run hospitals while a rich person belonging to a minority community can apply for up to Rs 20,00,000/- for higher education abroad! Shame on those who create such policies.

Now-a-days relatively wealthier business communities like the Parsis, Shias and Jains also claim minority-status for special exemptions and benefits! They keep themselves aligned with the current political party in power. Jains mingle with Hinđū/s and behave like upper-caste Hinđū/s to take advantage in business. Some Khālisŧānī minded Sikhs also think of Hinđū/s as inferior beings. Some other so called upper-caste [business] communities too act as if they are superior than others. These communities corrupts government officials and misappropriate funds meant for poor & backward classes!


After World-War II, Britain became very weak and was left incapable of ruling a vast country like India. Communal Muslim leaders wanted their own rule and Britain wanted India (mainly Hinđū/s) to remain week, so (West) Pākisŧān and East-Pākisŧān (now Bānglāđesh) were hastily (carelessly) carved out of India.

Panjābī Muslims of West-Pākisŧān started oppressing Bangālī Muslims in East-Pākisŧān, so India helped East-Pākisŧān to break-away as Bānglāđesh. These Panjābī Muslims of Pākisŧān uses Islām to further their dominance over other communities of South Asia.

Most Sunnī/s in South Asia don't do family planning and hence are poor; but they blame the Hinđū/s and the Indian state for their problems. Their population explosion isn't solely about having more kids (increase in fertility rates); it also involves marrying early, leading to their three generations instead of just two within 60 years. For them increasing their population is a part of Ghazwā-e-Hinđ. Why the environmental activists don't speak against them?

Pākisŧān has attacked India three times! After loosing all the wars, hardliners in Pākisŧān have turned to terrorism. Since centuries Islāmic extremists have been attacking Hinđū temples, devotees and institutions. But after the formation of Pākisŧān, it has increased many folds.

India freed more than 85000 West-Pākisŧānī soldiers (rapiest, Jihāđīs) after the 1971 war! Instead they should have been prosecuted in Bānglāđesh. In contrast, many Indian soldiers were brutally killed in Pākisŧānī jails. Few of them languished there for decades, and successive Congress governments have practically done nothing. About 1100 Bānglāđeshī (then East-Pākisŧānī) intellectuals were killed in 1971; [See Ref 3] some of them were Hinđū/s, yet those responsible (West-Pākisŧānī soldiers) were freed by Indian PM of that time Inđirā Gānđhī. She also tried to weaken democracy in India by imposing 'emergency'.

In Pākisŧān, minorities are under tremendous pressure to convert to Islām because of the militant majority and a draconian (निष्ठुर) law called Blasphemy law. This law is mainly for appeasing Jihāđī population. The pseudo-seculars in India and Muslims never speak against it, they are otherwise very vocal! The percentage of Hinđū/s in Pāk has gone down alarmingly (from 19% to less than 2%) and in Bānglāđesh (from 21% to less than 9%) while the percentage of Muslims in India is rising (from 9% to 14%) steadily.

Every year, thousands of girls from Hinđū, Sikh, Christian and other minorities are abducted from Sunnī dominated areas. They are either forced into prostitution or forcefully converted to Islām and married off to Sunnī/s boys or elderly men. Billions across the world don't really care! Some of those who support this 'Love Jihāđ' are the 'Agents of Believers' (mostly self proclaimed human right advocates, librus and pseudo-journos).

Western world, particularly USA have supported jihāđī Pākisŧān against righteous India in the past! Things started changing after 9/11!

Christian missionaries, middle-eastern governments and Islāmist-moneybags always try to insure that USA and other powerful nations do not support India! These people want to live peacefully but destabilize the rest of the world as part of their religious duty! Some hoors (houri) in the heaven or in this very world!

There are states, areas in India where the Hinđū/s are in the minority. From one such province - Kāshmīr, most of the Hinđū/s fled because they were targeted by militants and Muslim majority. [See Ref 2] Ruling elites in the state and in the center did nothing to stop mass exodus! A large section of western media never reported about those persecuted Hinđū/s. These media become very vocal for the human rights of militants and their supporters in Kāshmīr. Sellouts. Honey-trapped. Cowards. Some bleeding heart people of Indian origin also speak for the human-rights of militants in Kāshmīr but never say anything against persecution of Hinđū/s.

Some Wahābī/Salāfī minded Sunnīs and other gađđārs have joined Communist parties! So communist parties in India are pro-Islām anti-Hinđū garbage. They can't speak about Chinese aggression against Muslims, but blame Hinđū/s for everything. They want the Indian state to remain weak and never tackle the root cause of terrorism particularly Pākisŧān. So they support Naxalism and any ideology or organisation that tries to destabilise or weaken India.

Some greedy and coward Hinđū/s, Islāmists, Christians missionaries, even some Āmbedkarite activists keeps on trying to harm Hinđūism in every way possible. Some Āmbedkarite activists align themselves with Islāmists and Christian-missionaries. followers of Āmbedkar along with pseudo-seculars have never spoken against destruction of Buđđhā/s of Bāmyān.

Remember Kulabhuṣhaṇ Jāđhav was abducted from Irān (a hardcore Shiā country!) and taken to Pākisŧān (a hostile Sunnī land). Most warring factions unite against India/Hinđūs. Rarely some Jews, very few secular minded nobles and very few White Anglo-Saxon Protestants (WASPs) who can see through the propaganda against India take side of India. The so called Intellectuals (Professionals, Journalists, Artists and Activists), Christians missionaries, Neo-Buđđhists and hardcore communists keep on their tirades against India because Hinđū/s are in majority in India. Some powerful Christians feel that resurgent and modern Hinđūism can appeal to their followers.

Life of non-Sunnī/s in Pākisŧān is like living in hell. Shiā spiritual leaders used to speak against Hinđū/s and helped in formation of Pākisŧān! How wrong they were.

In India, Islāmists find true friends in Communists, Christian missionaries and Pseudo-Buđđhists! Wow!! They unite in India only to harm Hinđūism, elsewhere they are enemies of each other.

A new act called CAA aims to grant citizenship to persecuted Hinđū/s and other minorities from Pākisŧān, Bānglāđesh and Afgānisŧān in India. Opposing CAA by Islāmists and their greedy friends seems to be a part of Ghazwā-e-Hinđ. They want Muslims from Islāmic countries to be given citizenship in India, but not to those persecuted there!

Anti-Hinđū Elites

Selfish and greedy Congress party leaders and other politicians (from minority dominated areas) every now and then criticise nationalist Hinđū organisations to ensure votes of the minorities which usually vote in herds. Many such politicians are either Islāmists or savarṇa/s i.e. so called upper caste Hinđū/s! Greedy Hinđū voters (till 2013) also used to support them for selfish reasons, so they remained in power, despite of massive scams.

These so-called secular politicians & officers used to stop the state from taking strong action against terrorists and extremists to appease the minority voters.

Some of the policemen are corrupt, they don't do enough to safeguard the general public! It has made India, a soft and weak state. Most of the corrupts mint money and take it to the safe heavens in the west!

Do Nothing

Fortunately, most of the ordinary Indians remain absorbed in their work, profession or business and don't become reactionaries or extremists. To show minority communities that the state machinery is working for them, Hinđū extremism (which is very rare) is dealt with strongly.

Silver line is that there were/are some patriots among minorities as well. Some of them have devoted their lives for India. To honor them, we should stay calm (even after terror attacks) and never speak against minorities in public, in general. Remember, terrorists (and our enemies) want India divided, they should fail.

We should boycott individuals, parties, organisations, media houses, companies that indulge in Anti-Hinđū activities. But we have to be sure when we brand someone as Anti-Hinđū. We should refrain from touring places, cities, countries where Hinđū/s were/are oppressed, particularly Muslim countries with strict 'sharia' laws! In such countries, keeping our holy books can land us in Jail!

For poor Indians, 'true freedom' was elusive (छलावा)! They themselves were also to be blamed for electing lots of corrupt politicians [mainly before 2014]. Poor Indians should not vote for them, even if they have to take money from them to meet their ends. Most middle-class people avoid taking money for vote; they should vote against these Anti-Hinđū politicians, even if they have to praise them to avoid trouble.

References - These are diluted accounts of actual events:

Many mainstream media companies gets their funding by middle eastern money-bags and hence tends to take anti-India stand most of the time. These sell-outs preach peace loving Hinđū/s democracy and secularism! India is home to almost all the religions (faith) in the world. That is testimony of our peace loving nature. Just because most Hinđū/s are poor and don't normally lobby with anybody, sell-outs stand against India. They will rot in the hell forever.

Western IT majors like Google have allowed anti-India pro-Abrahamic lobbies to dominate their plateforms.

UN and individual countries should declare Pākisŧān as a terrorist nation and China as a rogue nation. Xi Jinping currently is far more dangerous for the world than Osama Bin-Laden was in the past. We can certainly say: 'Xi is the world's enemy #1.' If you are a libru, you will not agree. Who don't agree may apply for Chinese citizenship.

The US and other countries should keep on pressurizing Xi and hurting Chinese economy. We all should not buy Chinese goods whenever possible, look for alternatives from Taiwan, India, ... Do not listen to a typical diplomat. Librus and traitors have allowed China to become so strong.

Pākisŧān has hurt India the most. What stops India from declaring Pākisŧān a terrorist country! Why not to ban non-essential and low quality products from China? Why should we happily let China do dumping on us. Why to do any kind of trade with Papistan/Chinistan.

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Svāmī Shrađđhānanđ (स्वामी श्रद्धानन्द)

Taslima Nasrin (तसलिमा नसरीन)Wasim Rizvi @ जितेन्द्र नारायण स्वामीIrshad ManjiLate honorable Tarek Fatah (तारिक फ़तह)

Subuhi Khan (सुबुही ख़ान) Dr Syed Rizwan Ahmed (डॉ. सय्यद रिज़वान अहमद)

Anand RangnathanDr. Subramanian SwamyDavid Frawley

The Invisible Hindu Stephen KnappJerome Anto

Carlo Maria ViganòVatican Intelligence ServiceThe Deep & Dark State

Christian Hegemony

Churchianity: Targeting Hinđū ĐaliŧsAll India Anti Terrorist FrontJ Sai Deepak

Francois GautierPanun KashmirDaily PioneerAshok(e) Pandit

Updated: Oct 23

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Why we want sāđhū/s, muni/s, sādhvi/s, nuns, priests (fathers, bishops, etc.) to give up married life (and sex which is a nature's gift). Its selfish on the part of community to respect a person only if s/he gives his natural happiness.

In other words: Why do we expect sādhus, munis, sādhvis, nuns, priests (fathers, bishops, etc.) to renounce married life and the natural gift of sexuality. It seems selfish for the community to value individuals solely based on their renunciation of innate happiness.

For people like me, partying can be celebrating Hinđū festivals like a true secular being! Let us do only those things that give us true happiness and real freedom.

After sacrificing hundreds of poor migrant labours, Jihāđī land (Qaŧar) organised FIFA world cup. Organisations like FIFA are/were lead by greedy people.

Some librus have copied contents from our web-pages to *#$%pedia without giving any credit. I am an atheist (son of an Ār'ya Samājī) who sympathize with Hinđūism which is the number one target of Jihāđ/Crusade. I do not visit any temple or even Ār'ya Samāj Manđir for offering any prayer or religious activities. I visit temples to appreciate architecture and sense history! Paying small donations to temples and other religious places helps in maintaining those places, but paying huge sums seems like trying to bribe gods! Instead help those who are being targeted by Jihāđi/s and Missionaries.

Click here to read our views on the invasion of Ukraine by Putin's people. Our/my views are different from the Indian Government's position.

The very sincere effort to tell the real story of Kāshmīr.