Gāyaŧrī Manŧra is the most popular Sanskṛiŧ shlok/a (verse) of the Veđ/as. Hinđū/s love to chant this sacred religious shlok as manŧra. It is sometimes called 'Mahā Manŧra'. Mahā means 'great'.
In ĐevaNāgarī script:
ॐ भूर्भुवः॒ स्वः॒
भ॒र्गो॑ दे॒वस्य॑ धीमहि।
धियो॒ यो नः॑ प्रचो॒दया॑त्॥
Without Stress Marks & Halant:
ॐ भूर्भुवः स्वः
भर्गो देवस्य धीमहि।
धियो यो नः प्रचोदयात॥
Transliteration of the Gāyaŧrī Manŧra
Transliteration of the manŧra using our Nīrajā-Latin transliteration scheme:
Om bhūr-bhuvaħ svaħ ।
bhargo đevas`ya đhīmahi ।
đhi`yo `yo naḥ pracho-đa`yāŧ ॥
ॐ (ओ३म्) = Om or AUm
भूर्भुवः (भूर्-भुवः) = bhūr-bhuvaħ
स्वः = svaħ
(तत्-सवितुर्-वरेण्यम्) = ŧaŧ-saviŧur-vareṇ'yam
भर्गो (भर्-गो) = bhargo
देवस्य = đevas'ya
धीमहि = dhīmahi
धियो = đhi'yo
यो = yo
नः = naħ
प्रचोदयात (प्रचोदयात) = pracho-đa'yāŧ
Interpretations of the Gāyaŧrī Manŧra
There are variations/differences in the interpretations of the Gāyaŧrī Manŧra by various scholars. But all of them agree that it is a great prayer.
By Max Muller:
Let us obtain (meditate on) the adorable splendour of Saviŧrī (Sun God), may He arouse our minds.
By Đayānanđ Sarasvaŧī:
'O God, You are the giver of life, the remover of pain & sorrow, the giver of happiness; O Creator of the universe, may we receive Your supreme sin-destroying light; may You guide our intellect in the right direction.'
Meaning of Words in the Manŧra
Om = praṇav manŧra = a word related to the God
bhū(r) = bhūħ = the earth
bhuvaħ = bhuvar-lok, the air (vāyu-mandal)
svaħ = svarg, heaven
ŧaŧ = that
saviŧ(ur) = saviŧaħ = Sun, God
vareṇya(m) = adopt(able), follow
bhargo = energy (sin destroying power)
đevasya = of the deity
đhīmahi = meditate (or imbibe!)
đhiyo = plural of đhiyaħ = mind/s, intellect/s
yo = Who (God)
naħ = our
prachođayāŧ = inspire, awaken
Other Translations!
Some scholars say 'भूर्भुवः॒ स्वः॒' is a V'yāhṛiŧi. A typical translation of this manŧra slightly indicates that this is for praying in a group! Oh, Excuse me for writing the following translations of the manŧra.
Words written in round brackets - '(' & ')' (aka parentheses) are not to be pronounced. You may or may not pronounce words written in square brackets - '[' & ']'.
For A Group - Hindi
हे प्रभू; [ओ] धरती, वायु और स्वर्ग;
[हम] उस वरण करने योग्य सूर्य-देवता (सवित) के [पाप नाशक] तेज [व शक्तियों] का ध्यान करते हैं; वह [जो] हमारी बुद्धि को प्रेरित करता है।
Alternatively we can have translation (as following) as one paragraph.
हे प्रभू; तीनों लोकों के उस वरण करने योग्य सवित (सूर्य-देवता) की [अवगुण व पाप नाशक] शक्तियों [तेज] का ध्यान करें; वह हमारी बुद्धियों को जाग्रत करे।
For A Group - English
Oh Almighty; O the Earth, the Atmosphere and the Heaven;
That Saviŧ (Sun God) who is to be followed (adopted), we think-of (meditate-on) His energy (power), may He inspire (guide) our minds (intellects).
For An Individual [Hindi]
हे प्रभु; ओ धरती, वायु औ स्वर्ग; मैं उस वरण करने योग्य देवता के तेज का ध्यान करता हूँ, वह मेरी बुद्धि को प्रेरित करे।
For An Individual [English]
Oh Almighty; O the Earth, the Atmosphere and the Heaven; that Saviŧ (Sun God) who is to be followed (adopted), I meditate-on His energy, may He inspire my mind.
Download the Gāyaŧrī Manŧra PDF File
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V'yāhṛiŧi according to Đayānanđ Sarasvaŧī:
bhūḥ (bhūr) = praṇāđhār (basis of life)
bhuvaḥ = remover of sorrow
svaḥ = giver of happiness
other scholars don't seem to agree with him.

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